Immediately after the collapse of the Taliban regime, in the winter of 2001-2002, I was able to make contacts with some of the mystical Sufi brotherhoods in Afghanistan, which could function even under the strict Taliban regime (after all, it is said that Mullah Omar, the spiritual leader of the Taliban, was a dervish of the Naqshbandiya brotherhood)… 
Here is my report from 1 February 2002 that Radio Free Europe ran at the time; I am happy to discover that they kept it on the website :

Afghanistan: Sufi Brotherhoods Reemerge After The Fall Of The Taliban
For more about Afghan (and Iranian) Sufi poetry see :

Roasted-hearted melody : The Sufi poets’ obssession with kebab…
Cf. also my page on Facebook :
Howling for God (Dan Alexe) : living Sufism today