(“Leicester Sq.”, Oona Hassim)
Cu severitate și surpriză, Dragos Paul Aligică descoperă că masele nu se comportă ca o sumă de indivizi responsabili :
Astfel, constata el pe FB :
Avem in cazul acestor proteste [din România] un prilej de observatii clinice cu privire la atitudinile si comportamentul indivizilor cand sunt redusi la numitorul comun al unei gloate. Vedem, cred, confirmate pe viu tezele clasice privind psihopatologia multimilor.
Sunt probabil multi indivizi altfel decenti si inteligenti asociati cu aceste proteste. Dar manifestarile pe care le vedem, din unghiul in care suntem expusi, ne releva o intreaga serie de indivizi redusi la numitorul comun al unui IQ la limita de jos a gandirii critice si a capacitatii de a procesa informatie elementara. Judecatile de valoare devin blocate. Capacitatea de a sesiza in mod realist contextul social si realitatea sociala este profund afectata. Granita dintre realitate si imaginatie pierde contur.”
Tiens, nu altceva scria Elias Canetti in Masele si Puterea :

The repugnance to being touched is with us when we go out among people; the way we move in a busy street, in restaurants, trains or buses, is governed by it. Even when we are standing next to people and are able to watch and examine them closely, we avoid actual contact if we can. 

The promptness with which apology is offered for an unintentional contact, the tension with which it is awaited, our violent and sometimes even physical reaction when it is not coming, the antipathy and hatred we feel for the offender who touched us proves that we are dealing here with a human propensity as deep-seated as it is alert and insidious.

It is only in a crowd that man can become free of this fear of being touched. That is the only situation in which the fear changes into its opposite. The crowd he needs is the dense crowd, in which body is pressed to body; a crowd, too, whose physical constitution is also dense, or compact, so that he no longer notices who it is that presses against him. As soon as a man has surrendered himself to the crowd, he ceases to fear its touch. Ideally, all are equal there; no distinctions count, not even that of sex. The man pressed against him is the same as himself. Suddenly it is as though everything were happening in one and the same body. 
The reversal of the fear of being touched belongs to the nature of crowds. The feeling of relief is most striking where the density of the crowd is greatest.”

Credeam că anumite lucruri au fost stabilite în sociologie, de pildă psihologia maselor, și că nu trebuie să revenim etern, cu mirare, peste ele…
